For pitted and stuffed dates, please visit our sister company: The Delights Shop
Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years. They are eaten out of hand, chopped and used in sweets, pitted and stuffed with delicacies, or covered themselves in marzipan or chocolate.
Cultivating the precious fruit was always going to be an adventure, and Samir Kawar decided to take up this challenge in 1998, when he consolidated the family farms in the Jordan Valley to start Progressive Agricultural Investment Company (Pi). This project was the first of its kind in Jordan, as it aimed to produce a Jordanian product that could compete in any international market in terms of quality, price and packaging.
Keeping in mind the world's current environmental concerns and climatic factors – and the high salination of water in the Jordan Vally – Pi initially specialized in Medjool, the large, sweet and succulent date that is one of the most popular choices for breaking fast during Ramadan, before also incorporating Barhi dates into its resume.
Shortly after being established, two different companies were created to increase awareness of our products: Delights Company For Chocolates and Confectionaries, and Modern Delights Company. Both were established to fulfill the potential of the Medjool date, helping us offer our customers delectable variations for many different occasions. The first of these companies would create mouthwatering treats, including the finest dates from our crop dipped in luscious Swiss and Belgian chocolate, stuffed with the finest nut kernels, or baked into date-based goodies. The Modern Delights Company would then sell these treats through its two outlets in Amman.
Since first founded, Delights Company For Chocolates and Confectionaries and Modern Delights Company have both become well-respected in their fields, and are now in the process of merging into one company.
We eventually also set up Progressive Marketing Company with a special department called Dates of Jordan, since we at Pi value the quality of our product and did not want sales necessities to affect these high standards in any way. So, Pi initially focused only on the growing and harvesting of the dates, while Dates of Jordan took it from there with fumigation, cleaning, sorting, packaging and the actual selling. After Progressive Marketing Company began to excel in its marketing skills, it was bought out in 2006 by Pi to form one enthusiastic and dedicated company, with Dates of Jordan as its brand name.
When Pi first began operation, there were around 600 trees planted throughout two of its plantations – and those even only for aesthetic purposes! Today, there are more than 9,800, and the operation is ever expanding.
Professional placement in existing markets – as well as the penetration of new ones – are key factors for the success of all our companies. At Dates Of Jordan, we realize our mission of providing a quality Jordanian product internationally is truer today than ever, as markets become more competitive and options more diverse.
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